Use "sutra|sutras" in a sentence

1. Chanting / Listen to The Sutra of the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra) The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra is the essence of Buddhist teaching

2. How often do you recite the sutras?

3. “ Ahimsa pratishtayam tat sannidhau vairatyagaha’’ (Yoga Sutra II

4. 6 There are many scriptures in the sutra depository.

5. This sutra states in its concluding chapter 28:

6. I'm going west to find sutras and cultivate myself.

7. The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings, the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law, and the Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue was translated by Bunno Kato, Yoshiro Tamura, and Kojiro Miyasaka with revisions by W

8. There's a passage in the Surangama Sutra which roughly translated means:

9. 13 Yin ignored them, and kept reciting his sutra.

10. Chanting sutras and trying hard to live a good life didn’t solve my problems.

11. Advisably preempt bedelven Soluble do sutra air tight jarac popup program Herzliches Beileid

12. Christianization of Buddhism started long ago, with the Lotus Sutra, maybe earlier

13. The very important commentary on Yoga sutra by Vyasa was also written.

14. The Baekje king sent the Japanese emperor a picture of the Buddha and some sutras.

15. The wisdom of the Kama Sutra is such, it teaches us not to rush.

16. The oldest dated book printed by this method is The Diamond Sutra (868 AD).

17. Samavidhana Brahmana, and the following Samaveda "Brahmanas" are in Sutra style; it comprises 3 prapathakas

18. Would you agree that scoffers should be treated as outlined in the Lotus Sutra?

19. Historically the Shiva Sutras and the ensuing school of Kashmir Shaivism are a Tantric or Agamic tradition.

20. Ashtanga Yoga, which literally means “eight-limbed yoga” ), is a system outlined in the yoga sutras attributed to the ancient sage Patanjali

21. Amortizes agonista cilmerov ispravak od sada zincir kuristaa uncontaminated ermi Moja starija sestra dolazi sutra

22. While doing so, she chanted a sutra, the meaning of which she did not understand.

23. The "Kama Sutra" is totally blowing my mind—all I knew how to do before was the Cowgirl position!

24. 13 The Buddhist monk walked to the sutra depository leisurely and opened the shutter. People prayed downstairs.

25. Now let's take a bow to the "Kama Sutra," the world's first book on the pleasures of sensual living.

26. There are many Bodhisattvas mentioned in the Sutras but the most famous and most commonly represented in art are the Eight Great Bodhisattvas

27. The Sutra was received by the Emperor and housed in a temple built outside the walls of Luo Yang.

28. Ashtanga Yoga is defined in the yoga sutras as "yogas-chitta-vritti-nirodaha" -or- the stilling of the mind through practice.

29. Up to 5% cash back  · Buy The Threefold Lotus Sutra by Bunno Kato, Yoshiro Tamura online at Alibris

30. It is believed to have been printed in Korea in 750–51, which if correct, would make it older than the Diamond Sutra.

31. The Agamas (Sanskrit, also āgamas) or the five Agamas refer to a collection of discourses (sutras) from early Buddhist schools, which are preserved primarily in Chinese translation.

32. According to legend, the 28th king of Tibet, Thothori Nyantsen, dreamed of a sacred treasure falling from heaven, which contained a Buddhist sutra, mantras, and religious objects.

33. I am not sure which of them, the names of the bones or the sutras of the grammarian, were the more jaw-breaking. I think the latter took the palm.

34. Therefore, if one should see—even from afar—a man who is keeping this sutra, one should rise and show him the same reverence as the Buddha.”

35. Calmer Sutra Tea flavors include: A Calmer Take on Chamomile Tisane, Peppermint and Lemon Myrtle Tisane, The Basic Black Tea, as well as its original, Masala Chai Spiced Honey Blend, and its honey line.

36. Agama 阿含 (Skt, Pali; Jpn Agon ) Agamas: They are a class of scriptures from the early Buddhist teachings contained in the mahayana Tripitaka that correspond to the suttas (sutras) of the Pali canon

37. Amoghavajra, a powerful Buddhist monk in Chinese history traveled to Sri Lanka and was responsible for translating the Karandamudra Sutra into Chinese and taking it back to China in the 8th century.

38. The Archaeological Survey of India, which conducted the excavation, opines that "the kind of design that is of spoked wheel and unspoked wheel also remind one of the Sararata-chakra-citi and sapradhi-rata-chakra-citi mentioned in the Satapatha Brahmana and Sulba-sutras".

39. Where did Ashtanga Yoga begin? Whilst the name Ashtanga Yoga originated in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, it was two Indian yoga teachers from the 21st century named Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois who began to develop the Ashtanga Yoga that we know and love today

40. ‘The Hinayana approach stresses the ideal of the Arhat, the enlightened one who has attained nirvana.’ ‘A 3.5-metre-long ivory is another treasure blessing the palace, on which is carved a subminiature sutra of 82,000 characters and pictures of 500 Arhats.’

41. Ahimsa is one of the five yamas, which is the first "limb" of the great sage Patanjali's eightfold path (ashtanga) as described in the Yoga Sutras. Ahimsa is considered to be the most important of the five types of yamas because it represents the right attitude necessary to lead a moral life.

42. Buddhist vegetarianism is the practice of vegetarianism by significant portions of Mahayana Buddhist monks and nuns (as well as laypersons) and some Buddhists of other sects.In Buddhism, the views on vegetarianism vary between different schools of thought.The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet because Gautama Buddha set forth in some of the sutras that his followers must

43. Ahimsa (non-violence), the first and foremost of the five yamas (restraints) described in the Yoga Sutra, entreats us to live in such a way that we cause no harm in thought, speech, or action to any living being, including ourselves.In its pure form, Ahimsa is the spontaneous expression of the highest form of love—an unconditional positive regard for everyone and everything.

44. Bodhisattvas of the Earth, also sometimes referred to as "Bodhisattvas from the Underground," "Bodhisattvas Taught by the Original Buddha," or "earth Bodhisattvas," are the infinite number of Bodhisattvas who, in the 15th ("Emerging from the Earth") chapter of the Lotus Sutra, emerged from a fissure in the ground

45. An Asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, to any type of pose or position, adding reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses.The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define "Asana" as "[a position that] is steady and comfortable"

46. “He who scoffs at the devotee of this sutra shall in every existence have his teeth broken and separated, his lips shall be ugly, his nose flat, his feet and hands contorted, his eyes squinting, his body disgusting; he shall have ulcers, pus, and blood shall come from his body, his belly shall swell up with water, he shall be short of breath and suffer from all kinds of malignant and serious diseases.